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7 reasons: Why your horse is such a time waster


Is it fair to say that your horse is a time waster? Maybe. You may have received a message from friends, family or boyfriend a little too often with the wording: "where are you?" Especially at this time of the year when the sun does not set that early. It can be really hard to notice how much time you've spent with your best friend. Let us take a look at how you spend your time in the stable.


Why does time literally disappear?

What is it that makes three hours most often feel like five minutes? You were just going for a quick run to the stable. We've put together seven explanations and reasons why you might want to know more about what actually takes up your time. And then there might be an excuse or two in between that you can use the next time you arrive late!

You may also like to read: Playlist: 10 “horse” songs to keep you company in the stable

1. The horse will not come in from the field

If there is one thing your horse definitely thinks is amazing, it is grass. If your horse is outdoor most of the time, one would think that you would save time. Because then there is not as much cleaning up after him. But we have all tried to walk ALL the way down to the other end of the field. To lure our horse in with a treat, only to see him take off in a fast canter towards the gate. With you then having to trudge the long way back again. Did anyone say – time waster?

2. Your white horse is suddenly not so white anymore

This has to be a time waster for most people with white horses. Your horse has been in the field. And when you go to get him, your best friend has actually turned into a Pinto. White with… green spots? Five minutes later you are in the process of potato flour, soap, water, shine and all sorts of other remedies, all the while time flies by.


Okay, so it is not all just about the horses

3. Talk, talk and more talk

In the stables we relax from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This is also where we meet some of our best friends who share our interests. Here, no one gets tired of us for the 17th time talking about a fun thing our horse did yesterday. And there is actually cheering when we discover a new amazing showshine. But we are not just talking about horses when we are in the stable. EVERYTHING has to be debated - and then the chores take just a little extra time. Another reasons why going to the stable can be a time waster.

4. "I'm just going…"

"Today it does not gonna to take that long in the stable. I just have to make sure that "Honey" and "Sweetie" have water in the field." This you might text your father, mother, boyfriend or girlfriend. And that is actually the plan! But once in the stable, you run into Susan, whom you have not seen for ages. Susan has a story to tell and then you meet Hannah, who also has news. Before you know it, you are sitting outside in front of the riding arena with each your soda ice creams – talking about everything. So that is where those two hours went.

5. Shoes and halters disappear

The horses enjoy playing with each other in the field - which in most cases is nice - but it can also be a hassle at times. The games often mean that the horses try to pull the halters off each other. And a little too often they succeed. Therefore, there is nothing to do but start looking. Which can really take its time in a large field. When you have found the halter, you will discover that "Bully" has also thrown off a shoe. Start looking again! Once more you are reminded why your horse is such a time waster.

You may also like to read: 9 Things You and Your Horse Might Miss From the 90s and 00s

6. We just have to try one more time

Today should just be a quick ride, but one exercise teases. We try again and again, and suddenly time is forgotten. The same thing happens when we just go for a short walk – the lovely weather offers a canter in the field, or a slightly longer walk than usual. It is so nice!


7. The stable must also be swept

You are done for today, and - surprisingly enough – on time. You are ready to take off but get a glimpse of the stable aisle. That needs to be fixed! Find the broom and fix it. Then you discover that the tools are a bit cluttered, so you also put them back nicely and systematize. Since you are up and running, you might just as well clean up the feed room and tidy up your closet. Did anyone say – time waster? Yes and once again, dinner is the classic cup noodles.

This article was originally published on Malgré


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