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Horse walkers: Stable and Secure exercise

Horse walkers are subject to heavy loads, especially when without a roof, it is important to have a stable and secure surface for your horse to exercise on. REGUPOL offers robust double T rubber pavers, which can be laid easily and quickly, just like interlocking paving stones, to provide a low-maintenance, long-lasting and non-slip surface that you and your horse can rely on. These pavers are also quiet underfoot and help maintain healthy hooves by providing a comfortable surface to exercise on in all weather conditions.

Regupol interlocking pavers: durable and easy to maintain

Interlocking pavers are known for their durability, made of highly compressed rubber granulate, they are highly resilient and hard wearing. Our double-T pavers can also be laid in circles, making them adaptable to any horse walker. They are also water permeable and easy to clean, dirt can be swept away or pressure washed if necessary.

Regupol equiline walkway

REGUPOL interlocking pavers are a versatile and durable flooring option for all areas of your stable. These elastic paving stones are suitable for use in paddocks, stable aisles, wash bays, outdoor wash areas, horse walkers, and pathways. They are water-permeable and highly resilient, providing a quiet surface for horses to walk on, easy to clean, and have a long service life. In paddocks, the interlocking pavers eliminate the need for additional footing, making them an economical choice. Additionally, their slip-resistant surface helps to reduce the risk of injury for your horses.

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