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Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?

Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?
Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?

Like the editorial team, we imagine you drooling over the spectacular horses dancing around the ring at the big dressage events. And just like us, you probably compare your own little dressage star back at the stable with one of the top contenders. Does your horse remind you more of Bohemian, Cassidy, Zack, Zepter, or Fiontini? You can find out now.


Your horse is most like Bohemian - ridden by Cathrine Dufour - if: They're relatively new to the scene and a bit nervy. A big lad who's very clingy to their mother. They're good at trot and gallop, but struggle with the walk. Sometimes they also tend to see ghosts in the corners. However, a "Bo"-horse is incredibly quick to learn.

Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?
Bohemian. Photo: Digishots.


Your horse is most like Atterupgaards Cassidy - ridden by Cathrine Dufour - if: They belong to the old and experienced type, and they are reliable, both in the arena and on a ride out. You know that when you mount up, you're in for a good ride. Walk is undoubtedly their strength. In the stable, they're a real softie and would do almost anything for a snack - even if you asked them to stand on their head. Therefore, they also tend to quickly put on a bit of weight - and then they're a bit too good at injuring themselves in the paddock.

Read also: Portrait: Danish superstar Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour

Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?
Cathrine Dufour & Atterupgaard's Cassidy. Photo: Britt Carlsen.


Your horse is most like Blue Hors Zepter - ridden by Daniel Bachmann - if: They're a real lad's lad and always try their best, even though they sometimes get things a bit mixed up. Piaffe and changes are not their strongest suit, but the rest is razor sharp. Even though they rarely go without a few minor mistakes, they're always optimistic and that's one of the things you love them most for.

Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?


Your horse is most like dressage star Blue Horse Zack - ridden by Daniel Bachmann - if: They've done exceptionally well against all odds, just like Zack who is blind in one eye and his training has been a long time coming. A real Zack horse is also a true gentleman, treating all other horses well - especially mares. And they love to take a "kip" in the middle of the day!

Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?
Daniel Bachmann Andersen & Blue Hors Zack. Photo: Thomas Bisgaard.


Your horse is most like Helgstrand Dressages Fiontini - ridden by Severo Jurado Lopez - if: They're as long as the Great Belt Bridge, high set, and in reality, they're a completely different gender than one would initially think. Fiontini, despite her enormous size, is the daintiest "little" mare, loves to dance and show off - and then she has a sibling who is just as talented.

Quiz: If your horse were a dressage star, who would they be?
Severo Jurado Lopéz & Fiontini. Photo: Ridehesten.

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