Being deeply involved in equestrian sports leads to a lot of internal matters that only horse people can relate to. However, sometimes even they find it hard to comprehend. We spend a lot of time talking in the stables, and although it always feels like it's only you experiencing strange things, you can always find several others in the stable who have encountered the same – within the last month. We've compiled five things that horse people just don't understand.
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"I simply don't know where my money goes!"
This sentence is often heard in the stables, and no matter how much you try to recall the expenses you had in the past month, there are always items that you can't quite figure out where they came from. Especially those concerning your horse. Maybe your horse doesn't eat feed at all, but munches on banknotes, coins, and credit cards at night?
You know it! How can everyone else around you have time to watch a series every night? Go out every weekend, and have time to eat out every other day? While your time vanishes into thin air, everyone else wonders what you're actually doing since you never have time to meet. We think the time disappears in coffee, chats, and cozy moments in the stables. Just saying!
Can't find your wound ointment? Your favorite hoof pick? Or your whip, which has mysteriously disappeared after you rode dressage in the arena? Believe us, it's not just you! The mystery only begins when you've stopped looking and have accepted that you'll never find your things again. How? Because suddenly, the wound ointment is right where it should be, and the hoof pick is in your grooming box. Naturally, the whip is also where you last saw it. Maybe you need glasses?
Read also: When the desire to be perfect hinders a good equestrian life
No matter how often you clean your car, it seems to transform into a mess the next day. But the car also conveniently serves as an extra saddle closet, and it's nicer to change into riding clothes at work – where it's warm, instead of changing in the stable! But who's making the mess? Because, it's certainly not you!
You have a competition this weekend. Friday afternoon, you discover that Musse has lost a shoe – again! It always happens just before a competition, and you wonder if it's just you who's so darn unlucky? It's not. The same happens when you buy a new blanket, and the horse wears it for the first time – and naturally manages to destroy it on the same day. You then hear yourself complaining to the others in the stable, asking why it always happens to you? Before you've finished the sentence, you can hear a chorus of horse girls saying: "Oh, that happened to me last week too!"
This article was originally published in December 2017 and has since been revised and updated.