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5 Reasons to date a rider – and 5 reasons not to

To through yourself out in the adventure of dating a rider is said to be hard. Riders are known for not prioritising a partner very well, smell of stable and be away from home all the time. So why do it? Why are equestrians so (in our own opinion) great? 


Here you have 5 advantages and disadvantages when dating an equestrian:  

Tight breeches 


We cannot avoid the fact that your partner probably loves to see you in a pair of tight breeches. And it is probably not less when you wear the whole competition outfit as well. Just admit it: We do look amazing in those tights!  


To be honest, it is not how we look most of the time. Actually, we mostly wear dirty worn-out clothing filled with hair and mud. Not so sexy after all.  

Our ability to drive a car 


Yes, it might not sound so incredibly, but it is. People around equestrians cannot help being impressed by our driving-skills. Without hesitation we can turn around almost any kind of trailer also uphill, and the parallel parking is almost done in our sleep. 

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The biggest “burden” about a rider’s car is all the stuff inside of it. Do we have to mention old blankets, dirty saddle pads, horsehair, mud? In other words, it is not far from a health crisis inside the car. 

Our DIY-skills   

We can almost fix anything and is very independent doing the flat tire and busted gutters. And we almost have superpower when we juggle heavy feeding bags from the trunk of our car to the stable.  


If you look for a partner who can boost your ego you might consider looking after someone else than a rider. We do not want to listen to the time your colleague was promoted instead of you or that you are way too busy at work. It is not because we do not want to listen. It is because you do not know about stress before you have stayed up all night together with your horse with colic or is told that your horse has escaped the field and is on its way to the highway as we speak. That is called stress.  

Our endurance and physics 


Except being almost as strong as Pipi there is also several other advantages of being physically athletic and strong, but we probably do not have to mention them here, do we? 


Spending a whole day at a competition with the horse, mucking out, feeding the horse – it is all quite hard work. If we are still awake around dinner time, then it will not be long before we fall asleep on the sofa. Sorry! 


It is a cheap date 


It is not very expensive to invite a rider out. After only a sip of the first glass of vine we are tipsy while singing 80s pop songs and talking about the time we did something embarrassing. Perhaps, this is also the reason you should consider if it is the best idea to invite us to a fancy place – we probably do not fit in very well.  


Several riders consider 22pm as late. If you had to be up 05.30 every day, you would probably also think twice about the late nights. But it is not that romantic having to go to bed early. And yes, Paris is very beautiful in the springtime, but do you have any idea how expensive it is to have someone taking care of the horse, while we are gone? 


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