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10 things your horse should not eat

10 things your horse should not eat
10 things your horse should not eat

The online store has compiled a list of 10 things your horse should not eat. We all tend to pamper our horses with treats. There are many products on the market for this purpose. But sometimes we might be tempted to give the horses something else besides horse treats. It is perfectly normal to offer the horse carrots, apples and maybe even pears. All in all something the horse can tolerate well. But some things are better left alone - here is a list of 10 things you should not feed your horse.


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Things your horse should not eat

Chocolate: Chocolate can be extremely harmful to the horse as it contains the toxic chemical theobromine. If you are a competitive rider, chocolate can also cause your horse to test positive for doping.

Meat: A horse is a herbivore and its digestive system is not designed for meat.

Dairy products: Horses are lactose intolerant and get diarrhea from products such as milk, ice cream and yoghurt.

Bread: The horse does not digest white bread properly. It can block the horses' digestive system and therefore cause sequelae.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are from the same family as the poisonous plant nightshade. They contain the alkaloid atropine which can cause colic.

Garlic: Garlic should only be given to a limited extent, as it contains the substance N-propyl disulfide, which can cause anemia. The same goes for ordinary onions.

There are many good garlic products for horses. Always follow the product's feeding instructions.


More things your horse should not eat

Cattle feed: Not surprisingly, cattle feed is not suitable for horses.

Potatoes: They can settle in the horse's airways. They are toxic if they are green or rotten.

Garden clippings: Clippings from the lawn may contain pesticides and residues from poisonous plants. In addition, grass clippings emit fermenting gases that can disrupt the horse's digestive system.

Cauliflower and broccoli: Both vegetables are cruciferous vegetables that can develop large amounts of gas in the horse's stomach.



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