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Study: Tail pulling can reduce back pain in horses by more than 80%

A study has shown that the so-called tail pulling can significantly reduce back pain. Photo: Canva Pro
A study has shown that the so-called tail pulling can significantly reduce back pain. Photo: Canva Pro

Back pain is a common problem in many horses, significantly limiting their well-being and performance. Researchers have established through a study that the so-called tail pulling can significantly reduce back pain. However, they emphasize that this should be left to trained professionals.


If you have had a physiotherapist, osteopath, or other professional attend to your horse, you may have experienced them pulling your horse's tail. The technique is not new, but it is particularly effective in stretching structures around the neck, back, and hindquarters. What is relatively new is that it has now been proven through a study that the technique can actually reduce pain in the horse's back by more than 80%.

Back pain is a well-known problem in many horses. Photo: Canva Pro
Back pain is a well-known problem in many horses. Photo: Canva Pro

Test horses with back pain

The researchers behind the study examined 11 horses of various breeds, sizes, and ages. Veterinary examinations showed that 10 of the horses had acute back pain. None of the horses had received treatment for it before they were included in the study.


The researchers measured pressure tolerance at 6 points on the back to determine how much pressure the horses could withstand before showing behavioral pain patterns such as trembling in the muscles, changes in eye expression, and the horses laying their ears back.

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Subsequently, the researchers performed the tail pulling by gently pulling the horses' tails three times with a force of about 4.5 kg.

tail pulling can significantly reduce pain in the topline, but should be performed by a trained professional. photo canva pro
Tail pulling can significantly reduce pain in the topline, but should be performed by a trained professional. Photo: Canva Pro

Surprising Results

When the researchers then retested the six points on the horses, the studies showed that the horses' pain reactions to pressure had significantly decreased. The biggest difference was around the saddle area, where there was an improvement in tenderness by 83%. In the pelvic area, reactions improved by 52%, while in the lumbar region, they improved by 50%.

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"Soft tissue structures in the horse's back are very complex, and the tail is an important part of this area. We know that the deep back muscles extend all the way down to the tail, and tail pulling can therefore be a way to stretch the back muscles, and perhaps also the nerves in the area," says Heli K. Hyytiäinen, one of the researchers behind the study.


Must be Performed by a Professional

The researchers behind the study were positively surprised by the results of their investigations. However, they want to emphasize that tail pulling should be performed by a professional.

"The technique should only be performed by a trained professional who has an understanding of the whole and the skills to perform the technique correctly and safely," says Heli K. Hyytiäinen.​​

Sources: Study: Effect of Caudal Traction on Mechanical Nociceptive Thresholds of Epaxial and Pelvic Musculature on a Group of Horses With Signs of Back Pain


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