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Is Your Tack Making Your Horse Uneven? Here’s How to Check

Does your tack fit? Photo credit: Canva

Leather stretches – that’s something we all know. But have you considered that it’s not just your riding boots that may need replacing over time? All the leather in our tack gradually gives way and stretches. This can quickly lead to improper positioning in the saddle or uneven pressure on our horses. For instance, the straps on the bridle, girth billets, and especially reins and stirrup leathers can stretch significantly and become uneven. In the worst cases, these imbalances can affect the horse and lead to serious injuries. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly inspect your tack.


Here at the editorial office, we conducted a thorough inspection of our tack. On one bridle, we discovered a 4 cm difference in rein length. On another, there was a half-hole discrepancy in the straps securing the bit, meaning the bit sat unevenly. And there was a full hole’s difference in a pair of stirrup leathers. It was quite an eye-opener! Perhaps it’s time for you to check your tack too?

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Three Useful Tips

In addition to regularly inspecting your tack, there are other steps you can take to prevent leather from becoming uneven. Here are three key tips:

Be Careful with Care Products

The best way to prevent uneven stretching in your leather is to be cautious with care products. By this, we mean that the straps on your tack shouldn’t be soaked in water and soap, then slathered with a thick layer of oil or grease. While moisture does make leather more supple, overdoing it can cause damage. Imagine an elastic band that’s overstretched and breaks – that’s what can happen to your leather straps if they absorb too much moisture.

Since care products like leather oil and grease retain moisture, it’s important to let your leather dry completely before applying a thin layer of your favorite conditioner.

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Opt for Stitched Stirrup Leathers

Another helpful tip is to choose stirrup leathers with stitching. Generally, only stirrup leathers – and occasionally bridles – are available with stitching along the edges. If you can find them, take advantage of this feature! The stitching reinforces the leather, preventing it from stretching as easily as unstiched leather.

It’s probably no coincidence that stirrup leathers often come with this type of reinforcement. Even a slight imbalance – as little as a centimeter – in your stirrup leathers can cause asymmetry in both you and your horse.

Mount and Adjust from Both Sides

Have you ever tried mounting your horse from the right side? It’s undeniably challenging if you’re used to the left. But learning to do so could greatly benefit both your tack and your horse. By alternating between mounting from the left and right, you ensure that your stirrup leathers and saddle panels are subjected to equal pressure, preventing uneven stretching.

You can also rotate your stirrup leathers regularly to distribute the wear.

The same principle applies to girth billets. If you always secure the girth in the same hole on one side and only tighten it on the other, you risk stretching the billets unevenly over time. This can cause the girth to sit crookedly, potentially placing uneven pressure on your horse’s chest and back – depending on the type of girth you use.

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