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Find all the great content in the newest magazine

We have made a pile of (in our opinion) amazing content wrapped in beautiful layout. Open your laptop or grab your phone and find the newest magazine #6. Here you have a small review of what you can expect when you open it.

The maverick himself - Andreas Helgstrand

In this article Andreas Helgstrand, the founder and owner of Helgstrand tells his story about it all went down. How he ended up with one of the most successful dressage companies in the world. Find it here.

The work of a FEI photographer

Read the story about Lucasz Kowalski - the famous FEI photographer. For him it is a privilege to photograph horses all over the world. He tells about his passion, and explains what it takes to become a good equine photographer. Watch his astonishing pictures here.


Are you using bandages and equine boots on your horse?

Many horses are wearing bandages and equine boots. Mostly for protection during training, but do you actually know the science behind them? Find out in this article.

Groundwork - tips for your next session

Most horse owners do some sort of groundwork with their horse, but it can be difficult to come up with new ideas. We give some inspiration to your groundwork for the next training session here.

Young horses are great, lovely and a challenge at times. Photo: Malgré Tout Media

Challenged children can find help in equine therapy

Do you know what equine therapy is? We have talked with a equine therapist about her work with both children and horses combined. How this work leave the children with better concentration abilities, and more joy in life in general. Read the touching story about the special bond between human and horses here.


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