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Do you leave the horse when you go on vacation?

Even though you are on vacation, your horse doesn't need to take a vacation. Photo: Canva Pro.
Even though you are on vacation, your horse doesn't need to take a vacation. Photo: Canva Pro.

We all need a vacation, and here is a checklist of the seven things you should remember when you go on vacation as a horse owner.

Whether you are going on summer vacation, winter vacation, or something entirely different, it probably requires that you leave the care of your horse to others – gasp! There are several things that can make it easier for both your horse, you, and the one who will take care of your horse. It is indeed much easier to go on vacation and enjoy it if you know that your horse is being taken care of and cared for according to all the rules of art.



Make a proper handover to the person who will take care of your horse. It doesn't have to be a detailed list, but make sure you know what each of you expects from each other. For example, inform your horse sitter if your horse needs to see a veterinarian or a blacksmith while you are away. Of course, there is also a difference depending on whether you have a horse sitter who knows your horse well or not.


Make sure that your horse has enough feed available so that it does not run dry while you are sitting in the South of France or similar. Write down what your horse is getting. Even if you are in a place where you mix feed bags or buckets in advance – and you have made sure that you have mixed enough – it is good if your horse sitter also knows what the horse is getting to eat.

Read also: Your imbalances affect your horse. Therefore, it should not be your therapist


If your horse is also going to be ridden while you are away, it is important that you have gone through all the equipment together. You may want it to be strapped on in a certain way, or your horse is used to a special sequence. In addition, it may be an advantage to have agreed in advance what should be trained – and what should not be trained.

Special Considerations

Are there any special considerations to be made for your horse? Maybe you are not as pressured as the English rider Tiger Oatley-Summers in the video here next to.

One way to alleviate this can be that you inform about any disease that requires daily medication or the like. There may be some food that your horse cannot tolerate. Explain if your horse should have different types of blankets on, a muzzle, bells, or other equipment besides a possible halter.


Horses often have a rarely fortunate ability to throw everything from shoes to halters and destroy blankets. And it often happens when the owner is not home. Always make sure there is an extra blanket in case of an accident. The same applies to halters and other equipment that the horse can lose or destroy"​.


Setting Expectations

Even though it may be hard for you to leave your horse with someone else, it can also be difficult for the person taking on this responsibility. Taking care of someone else's horse is a big responsibility and a sign of trust. For example, would you like to receive daily updates, or is that not necessary for you?

Read also: Typical challenges for ridden horses – and how to solve them

Have the Right Contact Information

Make sure you have exchanged contact information, so you can always reach each other if problems arise. If you are part of a larger stable, it would be beneficial to inform the rest of the stable about who they should contact if there are any issues with your horse while you are away. Ensure that the person taking care of your horse knows which veterinarian and farrier you use.

With this list, we hope that you can enjoy your vacation, and leave knowing that your horse is in good hands​.


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