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Progenus, reliable DNA analyses for your animals

Progenus is an innovative scientific Belgian company providing DNA analysis services to breeders, veterinarians and horse owners.

At Progenus, you can find three types of DNA analysis

  • DNA profile: this test allows you to certify the genetic identity and parentage of your horse. When an animal is stolen or injured, it is important to be able to prove its identity. A simple comparison with the result of the test done at birth can easily confirm the identity. Likewise, the comparison between the test results of the stallion, the mare and the foal allows to authenticate the parentage.
  • Genetic diseases : Some diseases are caused by genetic mutations. Many of these can be prevented by testing the parents and avoiding certain breeding. For example, Fragile Foal Syndrome (WFFS), seen primarily in Warmbloods, is a genetic disorder that causes very thin and fragile skin and mucous membranes, resulting in widespread injuries throughout the body. Newborn foals are euthanized shortly after birth. This defect can be prevented by avoiding breeding parents who are healthy carriers of the condition.
  • Coat color : the color of the coat is genetically determined. These tests guide you in your breeding to obtain a foal of the desired coat color. For example, if you want to have a chestnut foal, both parents must have an ee genotype for the E locus.

To carry out an analysis nothing could be easier, just take a few hairs and send them to us by post. We will take care of the analysis and you will receive the results directly in your mailbox within 10 working days.

All these analyses comply with the ISO17025 standard, for which we are accredited. We are also ISAG 2006 certified with the highest category rings test result (more than 99% reliable).

We are constantly developing our range of tests by keeping up to date with the latest scientific progress or participating ourselves via our Research department. Find all the relevant analyses for your horse on our website


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