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Horses around the world - from horsepower to popular sport

Worldwide there are about 70 million horses. In this first part of a serie we focus on selected parts of horses in the world. We want to find out how other nations keep their horses. How they train them, and how horses are treated across countries. Plus we will look at the history behind the horses in our modern day lifes.

You may also like to read: 8 World Records: This Is Why Horses Are So Cool


The history of the horse 

In Denmark scientists believe that horses have been in the country since the beginning of the Stone Age. Which means approximately 3.000 years BC. Horses are also the animal mostly reminiscent of its forefathers - the wild horse. 

The many functions

It is said that horses were tamed about 5.000 or 6.000 years ago, and that the horse has had several different functions around the world. On the prairie horses were quickly turned into domestic animals used for riding and transportation. In Europe, they were mostly viewed as food for humans, because both their skin and meet were valuable resources. Later on, most of the horses did their work in agriculture. Horses have been useful as both transportation and machines harvesting fields.  

Today field work with horses is mostly for fun and to honor old traditions. Photo: Stock

What about the future? 

But what about the present time? How do we deal with horses around the world? Instead of the horses, we now have machines doing all the work but there are still lots of horses in the world. In this series of horses in the world we try to find out how horses are living in different countries, and what they are used for.  

In Denmark horses are mostly operating as riding horses both in terms of competitions and as a more relaxed hobby like having a good hack in the forest.  A lot of horse owners share a very close bond with their horses similar to a pet. 

Horses around the world 

But it is not necessarily the same relationship people have with their horses all around the world. There are several things and situations where horses come in handy. In the following parts of this serie we will look at all kinds of horses both police horses in the USA, horses as transportation in Indonesia, and horses being part of the tourist industry. 


Dansk Historisk Faellesraad, Zoo København, Nationalmuseet 


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